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Biographical Sketch and Curriculum Vitae
Mauro Carbonetta was born February 24th, 1961, in Villa Santa Maria, in the Chieti Province of Italy.
He first studied at the State Institute of Art, then at the Accademia delle Belle Arti in Naples. During these years he pursued his research in the pictorial arts, and has arrived at a form of expression that strives at being an authentic vocation to a rediscovery of the true strength of feelings. He has striven at finding the strength of pure color which models shape in a concept in which symbolism and reality merge into each other. His brushstroke has become with time, saturated materially but also purposely fluid and therefore able to express movement. The themes of his paintings are many: the human figure, landscape, and the female nude. But a constant theme is the ever-present explosion of colors, notwithstanding his introvert character.
His principal teachers have been the great italian-argentinian painter Rocco Olivo Castracane, who died at the end of the year 2000, the sculptor Paolo Spoltore.
Many art critics have become interested in his works. Here are some representative names:In Italy- the art historian Professor Corrado Marsan, Professor Raffaele De Grada, Professor Giorgio Falossi, doctor Teodosio Martucci, Professor Rosaria Belgiovine, Professor Alfredo Pasolino.
His major shows: 1996, Galleria Modigliani, Milan; 1999, Citta' di Rimini, Rimini; 2000, Galleria Foyer, Lanciano; 2002, Salone delle Esposizioni, Villa Santa Maria.
His works are exhibited in Villa Santa Maria (he has donated some of his canvases to the church Madonna delle grazie, Comune di Villa Santa Maria), Milan, Vicenza, Rome, Naples, L'Aquila, Toronto (Canada), New York, Pietraferrazzana, Spello (Perugia), Marina di Gioiosa Calabro (Reggio Calabria).

Dizionario Enciclopedico Internazionale d’ Arte Contemporanea 2000/2003, Casa Editrice Alba, a cura di Roberto e Flavio Puviani.
Avanguardie 2005 Artistiche. Centro Diffusione Arte Editore.

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